Tag: Probate

5th May 2021

If you are someone’s executor, then it can be tempting to try to administer the estate yourself with a view to saving money. If the estate is simple and you are comfortable with the legal and tax regulations, then this may be fairly ...

MacDonald Oates LLP Solicitors
5th April 2017

What is probate and when would I need it? When somebody dies, sometimes it is necessary for you to apply for a grant of representation to be able to deal with the deceased’s assets – this is known as applying for probate. Whether ...

MacDonald Oates LLP Solicitors
2nd November 2015

Patrick Jenkins, Partner and Head of Litigation at MacDonald Oates LLP, looks at the legal issues which can arise where no will, or a deficient will, has been prepared and why it is important to ensure that you have an up-to-date and ...

MacDonald Oates LLP Solicitors
22nd October 2015

We are pleased to announce that Patrick Jenkins, Partner and Head of the firm’s Litigation Team, based at our Petersfield office has become a full member of The Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS). The ...

MacDonald Oates LLP Solicitors
10th August 2015

Following the latest instalment in the long running case of Ilott v Mitson the Court of Appeal may have made it easier for adult children to challenge wills if they do not believe that they have been left reasonable financial provision ...